Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day

You know, if Ben Franklin had his way back in the eighteenth century, the turkey would be America's national bird, not that dorky "bald eagle" thing we have today. I mean, come on. The bald eagle gives America the image of being a balding old man whose only remaining hair is as white as snow. That is certainly not how I want my country to be portrayed.
Anyway, my point is that I feel sorry for the poor turkeys, destined to die before winter sets in. It's kinda sad, in a way. Besides, turkeys aren't the key stone of a good Thanksgiving meal. Having good stuffing is infinetly more important. Stuffing makes the world go round, after all. That and the stuff that makes the sky blue. And the awesome majesty of the Divine Purple Elephant Queen. But that goes without stuffing.
I call for a strike on eating turkey!!! Instead, consume more stuffing for your Thanksgiving feast!

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