Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy Belated New Year!!!

I truly, genuinely, totally apologize for my recent absence and the lack of posts caused by it. I'm sorry.
But, seriously, it's Bob's fault. he bought me one of those new-fangled iPods, the one that's like an iPhone without a phone or a camera, for Christmas. As a direct result of that, I became addicted to buying television show episodes off iTunes. So far, I've purchased and viewed the first three seasons of "Numb3rs". Now I've started obsessing over "Bones" There's no time to do anything else when you can be wasting $2 per episode on television shows.
In fact, the only reason I'm writing this now is because I'm downloading another three episodes of "Bones" on iTunes, and it's taking awhile.
Anyway, the kids are starting to complain about how they never see me anymore. I've been spending half my time hiding in my bedroom staring at the 3" screen of my iPod touch. The other 12 hours a day, I'm either sleeping or performing my duties as chef/maid/taxi driver, all of which Bob is to lazy to perform.
Does anyone else think I'm obsessed?

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